Thursday, August 09, 2007

New Fish

I went to the fish store to buy some more fish yesterday. After the last couple massacres and heat waves, the place was looking a little empty.

Anyways, I met the greatest guy at the pet store that gave me more then twice the fish I asked for. Fish are very expensive, so I really appreciated the generosity.

I ended up with 8 ?neon tetras? 2 algae eaters (same as the one we had before, that died), three white fish with black spot (no idea what they are) and one that looks like a stripped fish (he eats the crap on the bottom).

2 tetras dies in the night, so I turned up the temperature and the rest seem better now.

Picky fish...

That was what I liked about the goldfish, they were almost impossible to kill. The bad thing is they are stupid and eat everything.

The kids like the Neon's because they swim in a school so they look like friends.

I hope these ones last a little longer...

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