Thursday, July 23, 2009

Windy Asshole #1

This is how Reykjanesbær was described to me when I told someone in Þórshöfn where I was moving.

I still am not sure what a windy asshole is, but Reykjanesbær could very well be #1.

I actually do not think it is any worse the Þórshöfn, that place was windy, but people are very defensive of there home towns.

Something I have noticed is that there seems to be no way for me to get the actual weather situation here.

The weather site only shows the weather for Reykjavík. I guess they assume that because we are only 40 min. away from the capital it would be the same, but this just is not true.

The other day I dressed the kids up in sweaters and pants, it was rather windy and chilly. We took the bus to Reykjavík where it was roasting hot and I spent the day carrying the kids clothing around, and they still complained about being in pants.

Today the wind is howling through my apartment. I watched the kids playing outside with the dog and was a little worried the dog might not make it back. The hedges are nearly sideways, but when I check the weather I see that it is only 9 m/s in Reykjavík.

I am sure it must be at least 15 here.

I promise, I am not complaining, I would just like to know sometimes.

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