Sunday, July 22, 2007

Freeing Fattie

Last night we set Fattie and Sharko (the last regular gold fish) free into Inga and Robert's pond.

It was a little sad, but they keep eating the other fish I tried to put in the aquarium, so they had to go.

Sharko will probably be eaten by the one trout that lives in the pond. He was a little small.

Fattie, well he was really fat, so I am sure he can fend for himself. He will probably gorge himself on algae for the rest of his days and die the size of a whale. (He was always trying to eat everything, including the plastic plants and thermometer)

So now we only have 2 fish, the retarded bottom feeder (who thinks he is a goldfish) and the fighting fish who looks dead every morning because he sleeps lying down on the bottom of the tank.

But now I can get more fish with out having to worry about if they will become a snack or not.


  1. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Hey I have one gold fish that swims in circles in the corner of my tank..its name is bubbles ..
    Thats a first for me hearing a fish trying to eat a Fake Plant

  2. fish each have there own personality.
    and some people say they are a stupid pet...Stupid people.
    fish are fun
