Saturday, March 20, 2010

Not so tasty

Plan A was to wait the full 6 months before giving Leópold food, but 2 weeks early I gave in, the kid was just too hungry.
So we started out with the baby rice cereal, just like your supposed to, and he hated it.
I guess the stuff doesn't taste so good, or he is a really fussy eater.
Following the suggestion of a friend, we sweetened it up a little with apple juice, he seemed to like this much better.
I guess he has my sweet tooth.

This one about sums it all up

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of my #4. He only liked cereal mixed with juice, and if he didn't get it he just wouldn't get full. Once we were away from home, and the restaurant didn't have apple juice. In desperation I mixed in a packet of jelly (jam); he really liked that. :-)
