Saturday, March 13, 2010

Free Pancakes

Kasper and his friend, both 9, decided to do some baking today.


Then they wanted to set up a pancake shop, giving out free pancakes.

And this is how I really got to know all my neighbors today.

The boys made a sign and hung it in the kitchen, then went around invited people over for some free pancakes.

The next thing I knew, my living room was full of guests. I was making coffee, a lot, Kasper was serving people, bringing out jams, syrup plates (basically being a great host) and his friend stood in the kitchen flipping pancakes,

For most of the afternoon.

I have to admit that I felt shiver and cringe when they told me the plan for today, but no I have to admit that it was fun and now I really know my neighbors.

Thanks to the boys and free pancakes.

1 comment:

  1. Michal11:27 PM

    How cool is that! Way to go, letting Kasper do something so out-of-th-box.
