Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009 - Morning

Our Home.
End Result:
So, in Iceland there are 13 Santa's and in Canada there is one. The first plan was to have the last Icelandic Santa leave on the 24th and have the Canadian one come that night. The usual thing for both country's.
But then on the night of the 23rd Davíð and I decided we would be sleeping over at his parents on the 24th so it would be better if the Canadian Santa came around here a day early, to save dragging stuff around to different towns.
So the kids were very pleasantly surprised and a little confused on the morning of the 24th when they saw Santa was here early.
Turns out the plans to stay at my in laws fell through, so we should have stuck with the original plan but what can you do.
Next year I promise to be more organized. +
Here is a sample of the morning chaos:

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