While looking for a job that I do not want I came across this
An employment ad for Toys R Us, the new store in Kópavogur.
Check this out:
TOYS”R”US leitar að stundvísum og reglusömum einstakling. Um fjölbreytt og spennandi fullt starf er að ræða í nýrri verslun TOYS”R”US sem verður í Grafarvoginum. Vinnutími er nokkuð sveigjanlegur en er einnig bundinn við opnunartíma verslunnar.
• Umsjón og ábyrgð á eigin svæði í versluninni
• Þjónusta og upplýsingagjöf til viðskiptavina
• Eftirfylgni á tilboðum, vörulistum, nýjum vörum o.s.frv.
• Aðstoð á afgreiðslukassa
• Önnur tilfallandi verkefni
• Reynsla af verlsunarstörfum æskileg
• Rík samskiptahæfni og þjónustulund
• Góð íslenskukunnátta
• Öguð og skipulögð vinnubrögð
Ef þú hefur það sem þarf, þá höfum við áhugavert starfstækifæri fyrir þig!
Einnig má senda inn umsókn með ferilskrá á loen-is@toysrus.is merkta „Deildarstjóri“ fyrir 27. júlí nkl.
Nánari upplýsingar veitir Lóa Ólafsdóttir í síma 5500807.
Lesið meira um TOP-TOY á: www.top-toy.com
This was particularly funny to me because I know the inside scoop, so here it is.
Everyone knows that the contact person here hates foreigner's, she has even said that they steal everything.
It is very clear what the odds of getting one of these jobs are, if you are not Icelandic.
As you can see one of the main requirements is Icelandic. This is not so unusual in itself so let me explain further.
It is generally assumed that some Icelandic is required to be employed in a shop, although several positions require no Icelandic at all.
You do not need Icelandic to open boxes, the labels are in English.
You do not need Icelandic to do things on the computer and order toys, this is in English.
The cash register computer is in English.
And here is the best - saved for last:
The store manager of this store is from Finland - she does not even speak Icelandic! So one would think it would be essential for her potential employees to understand English.
It is obvious to me that good communication between the store manager and employees comes secondary to having only Icelandic employees.
And this is the way thing will stay, as long as the Human Resources Manager stays the same.
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