Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Things I can check off the list

If I had a list of things to see before I die, it might look like the list of things I have seen this week.

  • I have been accepted, paid the tuition for and finished the entrance exam into university
  • I have taken Leópold to school with out him crying
  • I have come home to see that my older children not only finished their homework, they also signed for each other in reading
  • I been, myself in the gym and on the treadmill, at 7:00 a.m.
  • I have a piece of tooth in my wallet*
*while I never, ever, thought I would lose a chunk of front tooth for seemly now reason, and while it makes me sad and I know it will cost a fortune to fix, it is kinda cool to look at.
On that note, my 8:30 appointment at the dentist on Friday can not come soon enough, until then, I refuse to smile.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stefán and Einar

Stefán is begging for a camera with sound, but for now they just have to deal with mine, the silent type.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Light and Fluffies

The results are in, if there was any contest, these are by far the best pancakes ever. 'American Style'
They are called 'Light and Fluffies' for a reason, and meant to be eaten with butter and syrup although they do actually taste good enough to be just eaten alone as well.
Thanks to Amanda, my first couchsurfer coming from Nunavut, and the Hanson's kitchen for this - better then Bisquick, and I'll save a fortune.
2-1/4 cup flour
5 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
5 teaspoons baking powder
1 eggs - beaten
3 tablespoons oil
1 teaspoon vanilla

mixed with love :Þ
Thanks again Amanda.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

pictures by stefán

stefán and his dad

stefán and his gerbils

just the rodents :Þ



those kids......



not sure what is going on here....


Tuesday, August 16, 2011


as a small prequel to robert's birthday bash i invited nearly everyone i know for some b.b.q.
a few folks even turned up.




úlfur watching up the road as people try to fix there car.

perla, guðrún and einar

2nd try

kasper, as usual

davíð and a couchsurfer



kasper and erikur


kasper and erikur, again


kasper wearing a hat, i tried to tell him that people dont actually use these things but he aims to prove me wrong.




leó and the wheel

stefán on the bus

leó and a plastic dump truck that we found for stefán, and it's still around.

davíð, kasper and erikur



motion sickness - by Kasper

Kasper and Shield

Monday, August 15, 2011

Innkaupalistar PART 2

You would think that after all the complaining about the complexity of the list last year, this school would have learned a lesson. But alas, Njarðvíkurskóli, you fail again.
Kasper's Supply list, English below
Nemendur hafi með sér:
Ø 1 öskju
Ø 1 harða möppu 2ja gata með klemmu, kjölur 4-5 cm breiður
Ø mislit milliblöð til skiptingar í möppu a.m.k. 10
Ø 1 línustrikaða gormabók A4, sem hægt er að rífa blöðin úr
Ø 2 skriftarbækur (Æfingabók 2)
Ø 1 glósubók
Ø 3 stílabækur A4
Ø 1 reikningsbók A4 (venjulegar rúður)
Ø 1 penna, bláan eða svartan (nemendur mega hafa Parker
kúlupenna með fine fyllingu í stað tússpennanna)
Ø pennaveski (3 blýpenna/blýanta, blý, yddara, strokleður,
skæri, lím, tréliti, reglustiku og hálfan gráðuboga)
Ø vasareikni
Ø tvo plastvasa með götum
Ø 1 plastmöppur (græn)
Ø Íþróttir: Stuttbuxur, stuttermabolur og lágir íþróttaskór (val).
Ø Sund: Sundbolur, sundskýla (ekki stuttbuxur, sundbuxur eða
bikiní) og handklæði. Sundgleraugu æskileg.
Ø Hafa íþrótta- og sundföt í sér poka eða tösku.

Students have a:
Ø 1 filing box
Ø 1 folder 2 hard punching a terminal, 4-5 cm wide keel
Ø colored leaves to the division in a folder at least 10
Ø 1 rulered helix A4 book, you can rip the leaves from
Ø 2 writing books (Æfingabók 2)
Ø 1 notebook
Ø 3 A4 exercise books
Ø 1 graphing A4 (standard windows)
Ø 1 pen, blue or black (the students may have Parker
pen with fine point markers in the fullness of voltage)
Ø pencilcase (3 pens / pencils, lead, sharpener, eraser,
scissors, glue, pencil crayons, ruler and a half gráðuboga?)
Ø calculator
Ø plastic folder with two holes
Ø 1 plastic folder (green)
Ø Sports: Shorts, T-shirt and low sports (optional).
Ø Channel: swimmsuit and towels.
Ø Have a sport and swimwear in a bag


I hate shopping for school supplies. Here is Stefán's list from Holtaskóli.
English under
3. bekkur 2011 - 2012
Yfirfarið það sem börnin eiga frá fyrra ári og notið það sem hægt er.
1 stk. Stóra sögubókin mín A4
1 stk. stílabók A4 (án gorma)
1 stk. stílabók A4 (með gormum)
2 stk. stílabækur A5 (án gorma)
1 stk. reikningsbók A5 (án gorma og ekki litlar rúður)
1 stk. Teygjumappa A4
1 stk. askja A4 (tré)
1 stk. Teikniblokk A3
7 stk. Plastmöppur: 1 gul, 1 rauð, 1 græn, 1 blá, 1 svört, 1 hvít og 1
Vasareiknir (einfaldan)
3-4 stk. góðir blýantar eða skrúfblýantur (muna þá eftir auka blýi)
Yddari með boxi
1 stórt límstifti
Góð skæri, oddlaus
1 stk. svartur tússpenni, Artline 210 medium 0,6
Í leikfimi þarf stuttbuxur og bol. Börnin eru berfætt
Í sund þarf sundföt og æskilegt er að hafa sundhettu
Foreldrar athugið að nauðsynlegt er að merkja vel bækur,
föt og aðra muni barnsins.

3rd class 2011 - 2012
Go over what the children are from last year and enjoyed it as possible.

 1 pc. Great story my book A4
1 pc. A4 notebook paper (no springs)
1 pc. A4 notebook (with coil springs)
2 pcs. A5 exercise books (no springs)
1 pc. reikningsbók A5 (no springs and no small windows)
1 pc. Elastic Folder A4
1 pc. carton A4 (tree)
1 pc. Drawing block A3
7 pc. plastic folder: 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 black, 1 white and 1
Calculator (simple)
pencil case
3-4 pcs. good pencils or mechanical pencils (remember them by increasing the lead)
sharpener in a box
1 large glue stick
pencil crayons
Good scissors, oddlaus
1 pc. black pen markers, Artline 210 Medium 0.6
The gym shorts and shirt required. The children are barefoot
The channels need swimwear and it is desirable to sundhettu
Parents note that it is necessary to mark books,
clothing and other objects of the child.

give the kid a camera

The last day of the Grindavík Red Cross camp asked the children to bring cameras.
And these were Stefán's pictures:

There are a lot of pictures of Einar - mostly because they are best friends.