Monday, May 26, 2008

New Shoes

Carpooling around Iceland? What a brilliant idea.

I bought new shoes for work. They are really good walking sandles. They cost a lot of money. I kindly suggested that Toys R Us should pay for these shoes or at least subsidize them. They kindly replied that my shoes were not there problem.

Even though I have destroyed 3 pairs since working there? Even though I send 8-11 hours a day walking around at work? I would have thought they would like to see me take care of these feet that carry me around and help me work.

Cheap bastards!

My next pair of shoes will be the ugliest flashiest shoes around. I might even glue some plastic diamonds to them and spray paint them pink. I mean flouresent pink.
Then they might consider buying me some shoes.

As long as I am responsible for my own foot wear I will wear what I want.


  1. Anonymous10:01 PM

    You tell them Ko-Leen

  2. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Be Thankful That you don't need to wear steel toe boots 8 to 12 hours a day and on hard uneven ground and dealing with climbing on the side of pipe that about 9 to 10 ft..

    Still Company's should pay for you work wear such as shoes work uniforms and protective clothing..
    But what can you do any ways the way I look at it if the company pays even a half of the cost of your equipment I am happy..
