Saturday, May 08, 2010

death of a pet

My dog is only three years old, so I had not done any actual planning for her departure. I hope I never have to.

But then yesterday Kasper was out with a friend doing some building and came home with a huge wooden cross.

Both boys were really proud of themselves, they made Rósa (our dog) a cross for her grave. The friend, even came with the useful advice of freezing the dead pet before you bury it. I dont know why.

After a long talk I hope they understand that Rósa is not dying anytime soon, we never put pets in the freezer and most importantly, it isn't nice to plan on them dying.  It can hurt feelings.

1 comment:

  1. Michal4:50 AM

    Interesting what they think about, eh?

    It sounds like they're trying to be helpful, but it's still morbid :}
