Monday, September 28, 2009

talking to dad

I am not very good at calling back home.

This is mostly because of the time difference. When I would like to call, everyone is sleeping or at work and when I should call, I am sleeping.

The next reason being that the cheapest way to call is on Skype. This involves my not-so-awesome laptop and I can not find the headset. Meaning every call involves me sitting alone in the living room yelling at my computer with the volume up so I can hear the replies, until the computer overheats and shuts off - only a matter of time. IT is just a strange feeling, but I know it is no excuse.

The result being that I often go monthes in between hearing anything from home.

But, this month I have been really good! I taked to Shantell, and Tye a few weeks ago and my Dad last night.

This might be a record.

It is also good because it is nice to be in touch with everyone when the baby phone calls start, any time now, it will be good to have recently caught up on things.

I look forward to talking to everyone soon - with the news!

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