Monday, July 27, 2009


I had a couchsurfer last night! My first one to stay over night in my new place, it was great.

Kasper refused to go to bed until they met, near midnight! But she brought a bx of Kinder surprise for each of the boys, so the wait was worth it.

Kasper is also the best host, he offered his room, he slept with me. He also brought an icewater and some books in English for her to read. It was so cute.

But the best part was staying up late, and getting up early just to chat with someone different.

I learned about life in Ukraine before, during and after the boom. Immigrating to Norway and a planned trip to the U.S., to visit friends, on a two year Visa.

I also had the chance tell some stories about Iceland and correct a few conceptions of Canada.

For some reason she thought Canadians often run off into the States and hide, not wanting to come back to Canada.

The only example I have ever heard of this is a guy who did not want to pay his child support payments.

This morning we even went for a long walk with Rósa while I took her to a good spot for hitchhiking.

The first time in a while that I had any reason to get out of bed before 10! I was actually up at 7!

Having guests certainly makes life more interesting when Davíð is away!

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