Saturday, February 24, 2007

Kasper playing soccer

Soccer is really big here, but they call it football, and there is no football. If that makes any sense.

This is Kasper getting ready for next season.


  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Cute! :) It doesn't take long for kids to get involved in the national sport over here.

    My asthma is still out of control but I'm working on it. I was able to stand outside our front door for a few minutes yesterday before the cold robbed me of my breath. Progress!! :) I hope you all are doing well.

  2. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Thanks for the pictures of Kasper. He's sure growing!

    I think most of the world calls it football - it's just North America that has to be different :}

    Either way, it's a fun game. Does David play too?

  3. No, Davið does not play soccer at all. He said he wants to start play basketball again.
